Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Sources: Arlianny

Student’s Name: Arlianny Sairol
Topic: Negative enviromental effect of globalization
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3682184.stm
What does the source say about the topic:

This source says that a TNC that invested in heavy mining operations in Indonesia, has been accused by villagers living near the mine of dumping toxic chemicals into the sea. This has caused serious health problems and even death of the villagers. The Australian mine manager has been brought to court to be questioned. This case has serious implications because not only does it cause serious enviromental harm (i.e Marine life is affected) but it has also caused social problems such as higher health spending for the government (which leads to lower spending for other sectors, like education) and reduced the standard of living of people around the polluted area. Also, bringing TNCs to court might scare off potential economic investors which could lead to drop in revenue for government (negative economic impact)


  1. From Choon Kim,

    Hey arlianny,

    You could also mention that now the Indonesian government has to PAY for the cleanup and health care for the villagers.

    So not only was the enviroment and people harmed by the toxic metals released by the mining company, but now government spending has to be diverted to settle this problem.

    Which is a pity because such money could have been spent on improving the national education system in the village isn't it?

  2. From Arlianny,

    Hey thanks for the idea Choon kim, I shall add that part about government spending into my explaination :)

  3. From Jaslyne,

    I like your source Arlianny because it ties 2 negative effects (causing harm to environment and people) of globalization together.

    We should use it for our Cmap and class presentation next lesson !
